Frequently Asked Question

Aaaarrrrhhhh I'm stuck. I wan't help now!
Last Updated 8 years ago

Keep calm... help is an email or phone call away, however, if you don't have a support contract in place there will be a charge.

The support crew at Phototicket are always happy to receive your call but please be aware that the first question they are going to ask you, before you ask for your question, is "What is your company name and support contract number". If they cannot find a support contract for your company they will require billing information before helping you. I wish it wasn't necessary but they need to feed their family too.

For more information about Phototicket support contracts see How much does Phototicket cost?

If you don't have a support contract, you will be charged $120 + GST per hour (in 5 minute blocks) for support.

That said, here are the contact details for Phototicket support:


New Zealand Phone: 03 379 5952

Australia Free Phone: 1800 207 675

Everybody Else Phone: +64 3 379 5952

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