Frequently Asked Question

How much does Phototicket cost?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Phototicket can be freely downloaded from Without a subscription Phototicket will not print point of sales tickets or allow you to edit designs and you will not be entitled to email or phone support.

If you would like to use Phototicket to print point of sale tickets you will need to purchase a subscription.


All the following prices relate to customers located in New Zealand or Australia. If you are not located in New Zealand or Australia, please email our support team at for a quote.

A 12 month Phototicket subscription costs $349 which amounts to less than $1 per day. What a bargain!

All subscriptions must be paid annually, in advance.

In addition to a Phototicket subscription you may like to purchase support.

Email Support

A 12 month email support contract costs $74

Phone Support

A 12 month phone support contract costs $149
For phone support, that's super cheap!

Off Contract Support

We also offer an off contract email and phone support service which is charged at $149 + GST per hour. You 're probably better off on a phone support contract!

NOTE: All Pricing exclude GST and Freight and are subject to change at any time

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