Frequently Asked Question

How do I backup my Phototicket database?
Last Updated 8 years ago

Your Phototicket database is a single file. To backup your Phototicket database, all you need to do is copy this file to a backup medium.

To locate your Phototicket database file, see Where can I find my Phototicket database?

Backing up your important data should be automated. If you currently have an automated backup system, add the Phototicket database file to that system.

You can manually backup the Phototicket database from within Phototicket by selecting File > Backup Database...


This will open a Save As dialog box. Select your backup location from the Save in: drop down box. A suitable default file name will populate the File name: text box but can be changed if desired. Select the Save button and your database will be backed up to specified location with the specified file name.


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