Frequently Asked Question

Where can I find my Phototicket database?
Last Updated 8 years ago

Your Phototicket database is a single file. When you first install your Phototicket database, a DPI directory is created in your computer's Public Documents directory, which can be found by default at C:\Users\Public\Documents on Windows 7 and later. Your Phototicket database file is called phototicket.dpi and is saved in the DPI directory.

Default Phototicket database folder

Your database file location is also shown in the Phototicket status bar so if it's not in the default location, you will be able to identify its location from there.

Phototicket database location shown in status bar

When Phototicket starts, by default, it tries to open the database from its last known location. If the database cannot be found at its last known location, it will not be opened and the database location will not be shown in the status bar.

Phototicket database location not shown in status bar

In this situation, the database may have been deliberately moved to a new location or it may have been accidentally moved or deleted.

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